When you give to Liquid Church, good things happen. Help us invest in causes that are close to the heart of God.

Give Online
Giving online is easy. You can give your normal Tithes and Offerings simply and securely in seconds. Give one-time, or schedule a recurring gift using your checking account, debit, or credit card. You can also easily give non-cash gifts of stock or crypto.

When you give, good things happen.
From the beginning, Liquid has been blessed with a generous congregation. We have been able to send millions of dollars outside our church walls to serve the poor, feed the hungry, and reach those far from God, all thanks to your faithful tithes and offerings.

We've baptized 3,500+ people at Liquid Church! Your giving helps us to reach more people around NJ and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Heaven is more crowded becuase of your generosity.

Clean Water Cause
We have drilled 536 clean water wells in 11 nations, bringing clean water to more than 500,000 people. Thanks to your generosity we've donated more than $4 million dollars to the Clean Water Cause.

Next Generation
We are investing in the next generation of leaders. Thanks to your generosity, we have thriving programs for kids, teens, and young adults. Together, we can help the next gen discover their God-given purpose.

Tithe Challenge
When we give God our first and best, He promises to bless the rest! Experience the joy of practicing radical generosity to the poor, the hungry, and the hurting through a partnership with Liquid Church. A tithe is the first 10% of a person’s income that is returned to God through the local church. Tithing is a biblical principle that invites God’s blessing on our lives and families as we put Him first in our finances.
Easy & Risk Free
We have a money back guarantee. If you tithe to Liquid Church for 3 months and feel God doesn’t prove faithful to His promises, we will refund 100% of your tithe. No questions asked.
Sign Up Today
To take the 90 Day Tithe Challenge, simply click the button below and sign up. We'll keep in touch via email during your journey to encourage you!
Give Stock
Donating stock is one of the most tax-efficient ways to give. You can make a bigger impact and save on your taxes. Win-win! Liquid Church works with Overflow to help make the process of giving stock simple and secure.
Give Crypto
Giving crypto used to be complex, but not anymore. Liquid Church works with Overflow to make sure your heart to give doesn't become a headache. Make a donation in minutes using a secure site.
Legacy Team
The Legacy Team is designed to help leaders with the Spiritual Gift of Giving find a place to serve and impact others through Liquid Church.

Manage your account
Manage recurring gifts, update payment information, and much more.
Give FAQ
Let us take the complexity out of giving.

How to give
It's our goal to make giving simple and secure. Here's how you can give to Liquid Church.
My Liquid is our church database. It houses information related to your church activity - such as Groups, Dream Teams and Giving. All of your giving history is maintained in the Financial section of your church profile. This giving includes online and text gifts, gifts mailed to the Church, and offerings you place in the popcorn bucket. If you log in to My Liquid, you can see the total of all your giving. You may download a giving statement at any time.
My Well Ministry is our online giving platform. All online gifts are given through My Well and synced with your My Liquid account. Go to My Liquid to VIEW ALL your giving history and manage your ONLINE giving.
Here are the 3 most common ways to give at Liquid Church:
- Online Giving: You can give simply and securely in seconds on this webpage.
- Mobile Giving: You can also give via the Liquid Church App.
- Use Our Envelope: You can pick up an Offering Envelope at our physical locations. Drop it in the mail - it’s postage prepaid! Or return it during the offering in a Sunday service.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Card, as well as ACH (bank account) gifts.
Whether you would like to give a one-time gift or set up recurring giving, you can do so online by following the simple instructions below:
- From this website, simply click the “Give Online” button to start setting up your gift.
- Log in to your My Liquid account by entering your email address or phone number.
- Enter your gift amount, select your Liquid Church Campus and set the frequency and date of your gift. If you already have a payment method set up in the system, you can select it, otherwise you will be prompted to provide your payment method on the next screen. Click the “Give Now” button to continue.
- Once you set up your payment method, you can confirm your address and contact information and click the “Finish” button to confirm your gift.
- Open the Liquid App.
- Go to the Weekly tab (located at the bottom of your screen) and click it.
- Once in the Weekly Tab, click the “Give” button.
- Enter the amount you want to give.
- Verify that your Liquid Campus selection is correct from the “Campus” drop-down menu.
- If you want to make a one time gift, under “Frequency” click the “One-Time” option.
- To make a gift Recurring, select the frequency from the drop-down menu that works best for you. Then, choose the date that your gift will process on.
- Click the blue “Give Now” button at the bottom of the screen to review and complete your gift.
If you’d prefer to send your gift via regular mail, simply write a check, payable to “Liquid Church,” and mail it to our church office.
Send gifts to:
Liquid Church
299 Webro Road
Parsippany, NJ 07054
Manage your gifts
All the instructions you need to update your giving and personal information.
Liquid Church recently switched payment processing platforms from Pushpay to My Well Ministry. My Well is the only non-profit organization founded to specifically provide the Church with the most advanced donation technology at half the cost of typical payment processing platforms. By partnering with My Well, our heart is to be good stewards of your generosity!
If you have a recurring gift, moving your gift over to My Well is easy. The below instructional resources will show you how to move your recurring gift over to My Well and cancel your previous gift in our old platform, PushPay.
- Click here to watch a video with guided instructions from our Digital Team.
- Click here to view step-by-step instructions with image references.
To cancel your recurring gift on Pushpay, log into Pushpay by clicking here. Under the Recurring Gifts section, click on the "Edit" button for your gift. Then, click on the "Actions" button, select "Cancel Schedule" and confirm.
A recurring schedule will enable you to set details like the gift amount and frequency of giving. When you start a recurring gift schedule, you aren’t stuck with it. We understand there may be the need to modify or cancel your recurring gift.
To cancel a recurring payment schedule from the Liquid Church app:
- From the Liquid App, go to the “Weekly” tab. In the white bar, click the “Manage $” icon.
- Select the recurring payment you wish to make changes to and adjust or cancel your recurring gift. You can also create a new recurring gift.
To cancel a recurring payment schedule from your web dashboard:
- Click here to log in to your My Liquid profile and manage your recurring gift.
- Select the recurring payment you wish to make changes to. You will have the option to adjust or cancel your recurring gift.
Go to My Liquid to VIEW ALL your giving history and manage your ONLINE giving.
Go to My Liquid and click on the Account link. Click Account again to view and update all of your contact information. Click on the Save button to update your settings.
Giving stocks or crypto
We've removed the complexity from giving stocks or crypto. Here's how it works.
To give stock or crypto to Liquid Church, you can do so safely and securely through our partners at Overflow. Overflow is a digital solution for donating non-cash assets, enabling donors to give in a tax-efficient way. Now, you can experience the ease of giving to Liquid Church via stock or crypto in less than five minutes from your mobile device. Overflow also provides donors access to a private Donor Portal, which enables visibility into transaction history, transaction statuses, and the ability to update connected financial accounts.
Giving stock or crypto is safe and secure. Overflow’s Information Security Program follows the criteria set forth by the SOC 2 Framework, a widely respected information security auditing procedure. Overflow does not have access to nor stores any brokerage account usernames or passwords.
Donating appreciated stock that you’ve held for over a year could allow you to potentially save up to 20% in capital gains taxes and potentially up to 37% in federal income taxes on the charitable donation value of your gift, based on your tax bracket when itemizing deductions. To understand the full tax benefits of giving appreciated stock, including potential state tax savings, please consult with your tax professional for information about your personal tax implications.
You can give any publicly traded stock through Overflow. By donating assets that have appreciated in value for more than one year, you are more likely to maximize the potential tax benefits.
Overflow can also process 401Ks and IRAs. However, because donors often incur penalties for withdrawing these assets before a certain date, we highly recommend consulting with your tax professional before donating 401Ks or IRAs.
If you received company-distributed stock as an employee and the trading window is not open, your brokerage will likely reject the transfer request. We highly advise that you ask your company for the trading windows and give during those time periods, which typically are open quarterly for three to four weeks at a time.
Overflow currently supports over 10 brokerages via its self-guided platform, including brokers such as Charles Schwab, Fidelity, and E*Trade. If Overflow doesn’t have a direct connection to your brokerage account, your gift can still be fulfilled through its off-platform concierge service. If you are in Overflow’s donor experience and your brokerage account is not one of the 10+ currently supported with a direct connection, please reach out to [email protected].
Get support
You can talk to a real person! Let us know how we can help.
If you forgot your username or password for your My Liquid account, you can go to, click on the Forgot Account button and provide your email address to have account reset instructions emailed to you.
We are here to help! If you have any questions about your giving, please don’t hesitate to contact our Finance Department at [email protected] or call us at 973-879-8655

Liquid Church is a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization. Gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law.